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SILKY STACKER (©2015 Deborah Roberti)
NOTE: Although this pattern is called the Silky Stacker, you can use most any two-hole beads instead of Silky beads, including DiamonDuo or GemDuo beads, size 6mm or 7mm cabochons, Candy beads, Honeycomb beads, DiscDuo or IrisDuo beads... the list is infinite!
Links to exact beads used at the end of the page. MATERIALS Step 1: Thread your needle with 2 yards of FireLine. Leaving about a 10-inch tail for attaching the clasp, hold onto your tail thread and go down the left side of a SuperDuo bead and then around and up through the right side of this same SuperDuo bead: String two seed beads, a Silky bead, two seed beads and a SuperDuo bead: Go around and down through the left hole of the SuperDuo bead that you just strung:
String two seed beads. Grab your tail thread and tie a tight double knot: Step 2: Go down through the left hole of the bottom SuperDuo bead, around and up through the right hole of this same SuperDuo bead. Continue on up through the two seed beads, the Silky bead, the two seed beads and the right hole of the top SuperDuo bead highlighted in RED: Step 3: String two SuperDuo beads, two seed beads, a Silky bead, two seed beads and another SuperDuo bead: Step 4: Go around and down through the left side of the SuperDuo bead that you added in the last step: Step 5: String two seed beads. Go down through the left hole of the Silky bead highlighted in RED: Step 6: String two seed beads. Go down through the left hole of the SuperDuo bead highlighted in RED: Step 7: String another SuperDuo bead. Go down through the left hole of the SuperDuo bead highlighted Step 8: Go around and up through the right hole of the SuperDuo bead that you exited at the end of the last step. Continue on up through the left hole of the SuperDuo bead above, the right hole of the next SuperDuo bead, the two seed beads, the Silky bead, the two seed beads and the right hole of the top SuperDuo bead highlighted in RED: Step 9: Repeat Step 3 to Step 8 until your bracelet is the length you want it, minus about a quarter-inch and the length of your clasp: Step 10: Go around and down through the left hole of the top SuperDuo bead, the two seed beads, the left hole of the Silky bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 11: String two seed beads. Go down through the left hole of the SuperDuo bead highlighted in RED: Step 12: String two seed beads. Go down through the seed bead, the left hole of the Silky bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 13: String two seed beads. Go down through the left hole of the SuperDuo bead highlighted in RED: Step 14: String two seed beads. Go down through the seed bead, the left hole of the Silky bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 15: Repeat Step 13 and 14 until you come to the end of the bracelet: Step 16: Go down through the seed bead and the left hole of the bottom SuperDuo bead. Go around and up through the right hole of this same SuperDuo bead, the two seed beads, the right hole of the Silky bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 17: String two seed beads. Go up through the left hole of the SuperDuo bead highlighted in RED: Step 18: String two seed beads. Go up through the seed bead, the right hole of the Silky bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 19: String two seed beads. Go up through the right hole of the SuperDuo bead highlighted in RED: Step 20: String two seed beads. Go up through the seed bead, the right hole of the Silky bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 21: Repeat Step 19 and 20 until you come to the end of the bracelet: Step 22: To attach one end of the clasp, go up through the seed bead and the right hole of the top SuperDuo bead highlighted in RED: Step 23: String three seed beads. Go through the clasp and then back through the third seed bead that you just strung: Step 24: String two more seed beads. Go down through the left hole of the SuperDuo bead highlighted in RED, around and up through the right hole of this same SuperDuo bead: Step 25: Go back around through the beads highlighted in RED and the clasp several times: Weave back into the bracelet, knot in several places and then cut your thread. Step 26: To attach the clasp to the other end of your bracelet, thread your needle with the tail thread from Step 1. Go up through the right hole of the top SuperDuo bead: Repeat Steps 23-25.
Beads used in my photos NOTE: Bead colors and coatings (and even bead types!) seem to be disappearing at a rate that I can no longer keep up with. I try to find substitutes when I can but "discontinued" seems to be the norm these days. Blue stacker Purple stacker
Jet Azuro
Jewel Honeycomb version Tweedy Honeycomb version
For more color combinations, click HERE or on the photos below to visit the RedPandaBeads.com Gallery of Color Suggestions!