An easy right-angle weave project that makes a nice bracelet or necklace.

• Nymo or C-Lon thread, size D, or 6lb FireLine
• About 150 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 32 size 4mm fire-polished beads
• About 36 size 4mm bicone crystals
• clasp

Step 1: For a bracelet, thread your needle with about two yards of your preferred threading material. If you are making a necklace, wax 4 yards (or just add more thread later).

String a seed bead, a crystal, two seed beads, a fire-polished bead, two seed beads and a crystal.

Leaving an 18 to 20-inch tail for attaching the clasp, tie the beads into a circle with a double knot:

Step 2: Go through the crystal, the bottom two seed beads and exit out of the fire-polished bead as in the diagram below:

Step 3: String a seed bead, a fire-polished bead, a seed bead, fire-polished bead, a seed bead, a fire-polished bead and a seed bead.

Circle around and go up through the fire-polished bead you exited at the end of the last step:

Step 4: Go through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead, the seed bead and exit out of the fire-polished bead as in the diagram below:

Step 5: String two seed beads, a crystal, a seed bead, a crystal and two seed beads.

Circle around and go back through the fire-polished bead you exited at the end of the last step:

Step 6: Go through the two bottom seed beads, the crystal and exit out of the seed bead as in the diagram below:

Step 7: String a crystal, two seed beads, a fire-polished bead, two seed beads and a crystal.

Circle around and go up through the seed bead you exited at the end of the last step:

Step 8: Go through the crystal, the top two seed beads and exit out of the fire-polished bead as in the diagram below:

Step 9: String a seed bead, a fire-polished bead, a seed bead, a fire-polished bead, a seed bead, a fire-polished bead and a seed bead.

Circle around and go down through the fire-polished bead you exited at the end of the last step:

Step 10: Go through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead, the seed bead and exit out of the fire-polished bead as in the diagram below:

Step 11: String two seed beads, a crystal, a seed bead a crystal and two seed beads.

Circle around and go up through the fire-polished bead you exited at the end of the last step:

Step 12: Go through the top two seed beads, the crystal and exit out of the seed bead as in the diagram below:

Repeat Steps 7 through 12 until your bracelet or necklace is the length you want it, minus about one-half inch plus the length of your clasp.

Step 13: To attach the clasp, string a crystal and five seed beads.

Go through the clasp and then back through the 5th seed bead.

String four more seed beads and a crystal. Go back down through the seed bead you exited at the end of the last step:

Go through this circle of beads and the clasp several times, and then weave back into the bracelet/necklace, knot in several places and cut your thread.

Repeat this step for the other end of your piece.